Future-Ready FDTD Skills

4 hours 41 mins
By Weiliang Jin, Lucas Gabrielli, Tom Chen, Momchil Minkov, and Tyler Hughes

The Future-Ready FDTD Workshop Series is a collaborative effort between Tidy3D, iOptics, and Optica. The series aims to present a range of workshops focused on FDTD simulations for photonic devices.
The workshop sessions took place from February 9th to March 8th, 2024, and covered theoretical foundations of concepts such as the FDTD method, Bragg filters and reflectors, multimode photonic design, photonic crystals, and inverse design.
Each session included a live demonstration of setting up and running an FDTD simulation. Additionally, a challenge was proposed to enhance participants' skills. Challenge solutions are available upon request through our technical support.

What skills you will develop

After completing this workshop you will be able to:

Understand the FDTD fundamentals.

Model and analyze Bragg filters and reflectors

Perform multimode photonic designs

Calculate PhC band diagrams and waveguide transmission spectrum and find PhC cavity resonances.

Set up and run an inverse design optimization

What you will learn
